The Ministry of the Offering Ushers
Each offering usher actually has one set of very simple jobs:
Pass out bulletins until offering, then receive offering plates.
Help people find seats until offering, then pass offering plates. (except aisle 6, who receives plates)
We want those who are entering to feel important and welcomed. To help with this cause, please always keep your eyes looking toward the door. (If a person enters and encounters an usher who is focused on the stage instead of the door, a uncaring impression is conveyed.)
Greet people. Adhere to the ancient custom of greeting the lady first.
Urge everyone to proceed toward the usher at the front of the aisle for seating.
Keep eyes focused on the door (instead of the stage), so that an usher who is eagerly waiting to help will greet each person entering.
Be ready to take the offering at the appointed time.
The Offering Process
Quarterback and Receiver.
During the offering prayer, walk briskly forward to the front of the Sanctuary. (Ushers in Aisles 2 & 5 will stop behind row 5.) The time to start the offering plate passing is when the usher at the front of Aisle 4 begins. So please focus on the sending usher at the front of Aisle 4.
The Quarterback should pass all plates QUICKLY. Please pass the plates at a rate of about one row per second. The receiver will keep an eye on things.
Aisle 1
The sole Usher in Aisle 1 will quickly (one per second) pass 17 plates (one to each of the 17 rows) across toward Aisles 2 & 3.
Aisle 2
The Aisle 2 receiver will receive 12 plates that were passed by the Quarterback in Aisle 1.
The Aisle 2 Quarterback will quickly (one per second) pass 15 plates (one to each of the 15 rows) toward Aisle 3.
Aisle 3
The Aisle 3 receiver will receive plates that were passed by Quarterbacks in Aisles 1 & 2.
The Aisle 3 Quarterback will quickly (one per second) pass 20 plates (one to each of the 20 rows) toward Aisle 4
Aisle 4
The Aisle 4 receiver will receive 20 plates that were passed by the Quarterback in Aisle 3.
The Aisle 4 Quarterback will quickly (one per second) pass 20 plates (one to each of the 20 rows) toward Aisles 5 & 6.
Aisle 5
The Aisle 5 receiver will receive 15 plates that were passed by the Quarterback in Aisle 4.
The Aisle 5 Quarterback will quickly (one per second) pass 12 plates (one to each of the 12 rows) toward Aisle 6
Aisle 6
The Aisle 6 receiver will receive 17 plates that were passed by the Quarterbacks in Aisles 4 & 5.
There are six offering plates at each front corner of the balcony.
An usher at each corner takes two plates and passes them along the front two rows. The usher "shadows" the plates from behind and assists with continuing the plates when needed.
The two other ushers take the four remaining plates to pass them in the back sections, starting with the corner and working toward the middle.
All Ushers: Immediately return all plates to the Usher room.
Reviewed or Updated 10/01/2022 12:24 PM