600 Seats in the Balcony
6 Ushers and 12 Plates are needed.
(Click the map to see full screen - LINK BEING UPDATED)
Until offering time, distribute bulletins and help people find seats.
Offering and Communion: Two Ushers serving the FRONT two rows, one starting at each end of the balcony.
Two ushers, each with two plates/trays are stationed at the very ends of the balcony rows (close to the stairs).
Simply pass a plate/tray down each of those two rows.
As the trays make their way toward the center, relay them across the aisles when needed.
The plates will eventually meet in the center.
Offering and Communion: The BACK four rows.
Two teams of ushers, with two ushers on each team.
There are seven seating sections along the back wall, each section has four rows of seats.
Each team carries four trays/plates.
The plates/trays are passed down the four rows of each section,
starting with the back corner section, and working toward the center section.
The team reaching the center section first will serve that section.
Once this process is complete, feel free to sit down and enjoy the rest of the service.
Emergency Responses - Return to Usher Home Page
Updated 03/20/2021 09:04 AM